Feedr Academy Seminar: How to Survive and Success in Digital Transformation Era


Feedr Academy mempersembahkan Seminar Awal tahun 2018

Feedr Academy Seminar
How to Survive and Success in Digital Transformation Era

Date and Place:
Aston of Kuningan Suites
Jln. Setiabudi Utara – Jakarta.
Date: Thursday, 25 Januari 2017
Time: 09:00-17.00 WIB

CP: Saskia – 0812 8600 6212

“Big Challenge is ahead of us. According to Forbes, 21 Big Retailers Are Closing 3,591 Stores in USA in 2017, further more Gartner predicts that by 2020, 75 percent of businesses will transform to digital — or at least be prepared for the change. Unfortunately, only 30 percent of those attempts will be successful, it adds.

Business and IT leaders must be ready and willing to innovate rapidly from a business model, business process and technology perspective. The goal is not to change human with digital, but to find out where digital and analog can co-contribute to give best possible outcome.

In this seminar, Feedr Academy will help to provide roadmap for different sizes of businesses in Indonesia to realize digital transition to get big opportunities in the digital era.

We would like to invite you and all people from Retail Industries, FMCG, Logistics, Financial, Pharmacies, Cement & Automotive and everyone who wants to be more agile, stay flexible, and make better decisions using digital technology to attend seminar about How to Survive and Success in Digital Transformation era.


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